

Your FREE Guide To Writing Winning
Cover Letters & Resumes!



Resume Summary - 2

Tailoring your Summary to your Prospective Employer’s Needs

Before actually writing your resume, you wrote notes on what makes you the best candidate for your intended position. You’ll have looked at the many characteristics and qualities that you believe your prospective employer will be looking for in the ideal candidate.

Now is the time to tailor your Summary section in order to matching those specific needs. Every statement made in your Summary section will be targeted to show the employer that you have what it takes to fill that position.

Work on writing some positive and affirming statements that exemplify your unique abilities and talents to be most affective in the intended position. Practice using descriptive words.

If you want to write that you’re a good leader, write instead that you are “proven leader” with initiative and motivational skills that cause others to act! Describe why you’re good at what you do and leave no room for interpretation.

Using words like “good” and “competent” speaks in general terms. Describe how you possess these attributes and you’ll have done your job well!

On the next page you will find a variety of suggestions for you to compose your Summary section. You may select those that best suit your skill-set. Experiment a little, first, and then zero in on those that best reflect what you have to offer a perspective employer. Remember, your Summary section is critical to your resume's success.

Go on to the next part of your guide on how to write winning resumes and cover letters: Resume Summaries 3